Surrendering the Unknown to God After Graduation

Letter from Claire Bach

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Dearest sister-friend,

You know, they call it a mid-life crisis, but does anyone else feel like it’s more like a daily-life crisis? That may be a little dramatic but I’m sure you can relate to those moments throughout your life that you look around thinking what the heck, where do I go from here?

I was a journalism major in college. I graduated 4 years ago. How do I spend my days now? I teach. I teach religion in a high school. No journalistic writing anywhere to be seen around these parts. The path from my plan to His plan is storied but let me tell you, my expectations versus the current reality are so different yet incredibly fulfilling.

Something you need to know about me to make this picture clear is that I have a stubborn heart. When I was making “life plans” I thought I was a decent writer, loved getting to know people’s stories, liked the communications courses I had taken and so why not follow the journalism path?

Cue to the mid-life crisis that was more of a mid-college crisis. I was in my junior year of college, more than halfway into this journalism degree, and I felt a gentle pull that journalism wasn’t where I should end up. There was a pull to consider teaching. However, my stubbornness wouldn’t let me give up on something I had started. I graduated. I got a job taking pictures. I was trudging ahead.

Honestly, I was exhausted. Running from the Lord is exhausting. I love running as a hobby but running from the Lord does not provide the same adrenaline rush. Eventually I surrendered to His gentle constant voice and decided to go back to school.

Once I leaned in to this thought to pursue teaching there was a shift in me. When people would ask what my plan was I would tell them “the Lord has a way of telling me two weeks ahead of time what he wants from me and I will do that!” Somehow I wholeheartedly believed this. I had gotten to a point of trusting that his plan was the best plan and I just needed to be still and willing.

Voila. That’s what happened. Two weeks before school started a teaching position opened for me to accept. It was a whirlwind but I leapt. I trusted. I knew he would be the wind beneath my sails and the voice within my classroom.

There are times that I forget that extreme trust I had in fearlessly saying yes. But it was so genuine. I have a stubborn heart that is constantly being romanced by a gentle and persistent Lord. Sisters, friends, let’s continue to let him into our uneasiness. Let his love soften our hearts and transform us into willing instruments in his hands.

The unknown is so hard but it can be less difficult if we release trying to be in control of it. At some point I learned to let go and not hold on so tightly to the outcome of the unknown. Instead I channeled that energy into throwing myself into trusting and hoping in the God who is gentle and steadfast.

Let’s allow him to walk alongside us in our moments of not knowing how to move forward. Just as on the Road to Emmaus our hearts too will burn within us as we walk along this path of life with its twists and turns. His presence is always with us whether we recognize it in the moment or not. As he walks with us He is preparing to reveal something more beautiful than our humanity can imagine. Don’t be afraid to listen to the promptings he places on our hearts.

Join me in taking a deep breath when faced with our daily or weekly or yearly unknown. Let us in these moments invite the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts into hearts that hope without restraint in a God who will never abandon us.

United in trusting Him on the journey home,

About Claire Bach

Claire Bach is a daughter of the King currently navigating this beautiful life as a 26-year-old, single, high school teacher and coach. She calls Kentucky home where she delights in being in the presence of family and friends, running for fun, and anything floral. She’s a windows down & music up kind of gal and on any given day you can find her prepared for any adventure.

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