A Place to Belong: Letters from Catholic Women

Introducing our new devotional anthology of twenty-five deeply personal letters from Catholic women on making sense of the ever-elusive feminine genius and living it out in the world today

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Features & Benefits

  • Edited by Corynne Staresinic, the founder and executive director of The Catholic Woman

  • Organized thematically into five expressions of femininity: receive, create, protect, lead, and nurture

  • Highlights women saints including Mary, Mother of the Church, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Saint Catherine of Siena, and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

  • Keepsake quality with durable hardcover

  • Gold-stamped cover

  • 7" x 9" format

What does it mean to be a Catholic woman?

The Vision Behind A Place to Belong: Letters to Catholic Women

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In this anthology, you’ll hear from 25 Catholic women from a diverse range of backgrounds, interests, and states-in-life — including religious sisters, mothers, entrepreneurs, activists, artists, single women, and writers.

Explored topics include protecting the vulnerable, from the life of the refugee to the life of an unborn child, caring for the environment, confronting racism and discrimination in the Church, promoting human dignity, using your unique gifts to serve others, women in leadership, learning from the great female saints, and finding your path in the Church.

Through all of their stories, A Place to Belong illustrates the many ways women live out the feminine genius - their unique attentiveness to the human person - in their families, in the Church and in the world today.

The Letter Writers

Photo of Meg Hunter-Kilmer

Meg Hunter-Kilmer: Meg shares how, after discerning the call from the Holy Spirit to leave her job and live out of her car, she has come to be a better listener and more loving to others.

Photo of Alexa Hyman Back in February

Alexa Hyman: Alexa shares her story of becoming pregnant as a single woman.

Photo of Gracie Morbitzer

Gracie Morbitzer: As an artist, Gracie shares how she uses her paintings of modern icons to evangelize to those who don’t know the Church as she does.

Photo of Kate Capato Sacred Artist

Kate Capato:Inspired by the healing and comforting presence of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Kate shares how she came to create a painting of Eve and Our Lady.

Photo of Erica Tighe Campbell Be a Heart Design

Erica Tighe Campbell: Erica shares how a difficult time of isolation and a struggle with alcoholism eventually led her to become a calligrapher and share her story, vulnerably and courageously, with others through her artwork.

Photo of Andrea Polito

Andrea Polito: As a consecrated woman, Andrea shares how she cared for a friend while he was dying.

Photo of Katie Waldow

Katie Waldow: Katie shares how her journey with infertility has led to caring for other women who have experienced it, too.

Photo of Sister Damien Marie

Sr. Damien Marie: Sr. Damien Marie shares the personal story behind her passion for the environment and how the state of the environment is inextricably connected to the state of civilization.

Photo of Meg Hunter-Kilmer

Sr. Nina Underwood: Sr. Nina Underwood shares her vocational story on how she became a pilot and missionary in Africa.

Photo of Sister Norma Pimentel Catholic Charities

Sr. Norma Pimentel: Sr. Norma shares how she learned to stand up for the innocent, specifically Central Americans seeking asylum in the United States.

Photo of Lisa Brenninkmeyer Walking With Purpose Founder

Lisa Brenninkmeyer: Lisa gives an honest account of the difficulties that come with building community and encouragement for women to take initiative in forming friendships.

Photo of Shanel Adams

Shanel Adams: Shanel shares how a novena to Saint Thérèse helped her to discern the next step in her career.

Photo of Julie Bao Yen

Julie Bao Yen: As an Asian-American Catholic woman, Julie shares her story of being in a Catholic community that is predominantly white. Through her experiences, she describes how she’s come to see the importance of the universality and diversity of the Catholic Church.

Photo of Leticia Ochoa Adams

Leticia Ochoa Adams: Leticia shares how her son’s suicide has shaped her understanding of what it means to be truly loving and receptive to others.

Photo of Emily Fossier Apostolate of Holy Motherhood

Emily Fossier: Emily shares her journey with mental illness as a mother, how she’s come to accept it as a cross, and how it informs her ability to love her family.

Photo of Fabiola Garza Catholic Disney Illustrator

Fabiola Garza: Fabiola, an illustrator for Disney, shares her story of how she’s coming to bring beauty to every aspect of her life.

Photo of Sarah Kroger Catholic Worship Musician

Sarah Kroger: As a musician and worship leader, Sarah shares how she came to find the courage and humility necessary in order to lead worship.

Photo of Justina Kopp

Justina Kopp: Justina shares how her family heritage has had a profound influence how she has come to be a mother of quadruplets.

Photo of Cara Fleury

Cara Fleury: Cara shares how her and her husband honored the dignity of their unborn child when they became aware that they would likely lose him.

Photo of Abby Ellis

Abby Ellis: Abby shares how she didn’t find true nourishment until she came back to the Church.

Photo of Natalie Alfaro Frazier

Natalie Alfaro Frazier: Natalie shares how she has come to understand her role as a protector in motherhood, as a Catholic revert and a mother to a daughter with a rare genetic skin condition.

Photo of Lauren Costabile

Lauren Costabile: Lauren shares how she came to start a nonprofit dedicated to providing children who have Down syndrome with heart surgeries.

Photo of Elise Crawford-Gallagher Ringlet Marketing

Elise Crawford-Gallagher:Elise shares how a disappointing turn in her business led her to a renewal of her personal mission.

Photo of Sister Helena Burns Daughters of St. Paul Media Nuns

Sr. Helena Burns: Sr. Helena shares an account of a simple conversation she had with a young person that had an unexpected impact.

Photo of Eve Tushnet Author of Gay and Catholic

Eve Tushnet: Eve shares her experience of being a celibate, gay Catholic woman and finding purpose by submitting herself to the Church.