“This past year I was feeling lonely and confused, like I had to live my faith life alone, walk the path in solitude. …I was going to mass on my own and finding my own way like a young catholic woman, even though I had God by my side, we all need community to inspire and support us in our journeys. The letters of all these women gave me hope and the feeling of community I needed, they inspire me so much and made me realize I am not alone. Nowadays, I continue reading the stories of all these amazing and ordinary women all over the world. I see myself in most of them somehow.”
— Laura L.
"I have been a part of ministry for 16 years. Let me tell you, it has been quite lonely as I have reached the first year of my 30’s. Although my life in service has been blessed, I still found myself thirsting and feeling more and more alone than I ever have before. …I searched high and low on every social platform and nothing seemed to fit. I prayed endlessly to find a woman’s social platform that I could personally relate to as a God-seeking woman! And one day I randomly typed a hashtag (#thecatholicwoman, on Instagram). In an instant, I felt a sense of relief. There were COUNTLESS and ENDLESS letters from women ALL OVER THE WORLD… speaking to the very depths of my soul. Everything that I have ever felt but struggled to put into words. …Thank you for providing me a place where I can journey with sisters in the most blessed way possible. For providing me a place where I can be myself and learn to gain the holy boldness to share my growth and short-comings with everyone else who are indeed present.Through your mission, I learned that I am not alone."
— Jazmin D.
“I truly appreciate The Catholic Woman. The women who have written have shown me examples and role models of imperfection being made perfect, reflections of my own heart and struggles and joys, and new perspectives into very different lives, yet all united in Christ. I never knew how much I needed these diverse voices of strength and authenticity until I started reading TCW. I have a much richer, more beautiful picture of what it means to be a woman of faith - which inspires me to truly live likewise.”
— An Anonymous Reader
“Since childhood I have loved stories about the lives of saints. I continue to be inspired by these holy men and women who have gone before us, who now give us examples to follow. Recently though, I’m drawn to stories of people who are striving to be saints today. When I read our letters and see other women striving to grow in their faith, my own faith is strengthened. I am reminded that I am not alone as I strive (sometimes struggle!) to be holy. So sisters, thank you for following us and inspiring me here at TCW. Count on our prayers.”
-— Bethany S. (Volunteer)
"I volunteer for TCW because I believe that it is a beautifully fruitful way for women to simultaneously build up each other and build up the Church. I have experienced first-hand the power of shared story, first as a reader and now even more so as a volunteer. In speaking with some of the women we have featured I have been deeply inspired by their dynamism of faith, approach to life and overall, how we share the same desire for God and His Kingdom. It only convicts me more that this is how the faith should be passed on: from person to person in joyful and authentic witness."
— Amelia A. (Volunteer)
“I think it’s safe to say that it is the goal of every Christian to find their personal “fiat” and lean into it every day on their path to holiness. And part of finding your fiat is discovering who you are not only in the eyes of Christ but how your gifts uniquely serve within the body of His Bride. The mission of The Catholic Woman to remind women that there is always a place for them at the table is one very close to my heart. In the vastness of the Church it can be easy to think we are alone. Within the vocation of woman, our missions vary to inspiring degrees. But in sharing stories of how women from every walk of life are embracing their yes to God, TCW inspires other women to embrace their own yes. And that kind of sisterhood – one that empowers, and encourages, and supports – is one I am proud to be part of.”
— Sarah W. (Volunteer)