Befriending Mary
Photo by Jon Tyson
Mary holds a special place in the hearts and homes of Catholics around the world. The Church celebrates numerous Marian feast days throughout the year, and we also have a special devotion to Her for the entire month of May. Rich with symbols of fertility and new birth, May is a perfect time to honor the woman who said “yes” to give us new life in Christ.
We asked four Catholic women, both cradle Catholics and converts, to tell us about their relationship with Mary and how she has brought them closer to her Son.
We pray these interviews inspire a new love for Our Lady and encourage your relationship with her.
May 1st: Interview with Erica Tighe Campbell
Preview of the Interview
“Jesus’s existence made Mary who she was meant to be. Jesus helped complete who she already was. And like her Jesus helps me to be who I am meant to be. As I draw near to Him, I am more myself. With His grace, I become more myself. And as I am more myself, I bring more grace into the world thus making it more beautiful just like Mary made the world more beautiful by her existence.”
About Erica
Erica (Tighe) Campbell is the designer and owner of Be A Heart –– a design studio based out of Los Angeles, California. Erica shares her own story of life, death and resurrection to encourage other women to step into the freedom and light of a life with Christ. Erica received her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from DePaul University in Chicago and served as a missionary for 18 months in Brazil with Heart’s Home. She is newly married to her husband, Paul who is teaching her about the joys of slow living and bird watching!
Available May 8th: Interview with Shannon Evans
Preview of the Interview
“…Mary was actually my initial reason for NOT considering Catholicism... and now she's one of my favorite parts about it! My husband was interested in confirmation years before I was and I have one specific memory of him asking if I thought we'd ever convert and I immediately—I'm talking ZERO hesitation here—said, ‘No, I just don't think I could ever get over the Mary thing.’…”
About Shannon
Shannon Evans is a Catholic writer, speaker, bridge builder, and wannabe contemplative. She is the author of Embracing Weakness: The Unlikely Secret to Changing the World. Her writing has appeared in America, St. Anthony Messenger, and Tapestry magazines, and online at Ruminate, Huffington Post, Sick Pilgrim, Blessed Is She and Shannon lives in central Iowa with her husband and band of silly children through both birth and adoption. You can preorder her book here.
Available May 15th: Interview with Debbie Staresinic
Preview of the Interview
“…As terrifying as it can be at times to venture into the unfamiliar, Mary’s example gives me hope. When I find myself shrinking from what God is calling me to do, my gentle Mother intercedes. Mary helps me replace my insecurities, fears of failing and resistance to suffering, with trust. She offers me the grace to say “yes” and the opportunity to experience first-hand the transforming power of God.”
About Debbie
Debbie Staresinic is a Catholic speaker and author. She is a graduate of the Theology of the Body Institute in Philadelphia and serves on the Board of Directors at Ruah Woods in Cincinnati. Debbie has written two Rosary meditations inspired by St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body: On a Mission to Love to help children and families form the daily habit of praying the rosary, and Theology of the Body Rosary Meditations, which focuses on Christ’s love for His Bride the Church.
Available May 22nd: Interview with Samantha Povlock
Preview of the Interview
“When I was a little girl, I knew that Catholics revered Mary, and I think in my childlike simplicity I was able to really admire her. As I got older though, I found it harder to relate to Mary. I was becoming bold and loud and driven, and for the most part I only saw Mary portrayed as gentle, meek, and mild…”
About Samantha
Samantha Povlock is the founder of FemCatholic, a platform working to reconcile feminism and Catholicism that hosted their first conference in March 2019. Sam is a corporate working mom of two, a Notre Dame grad, and transplant to Chicago.