My Call to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom

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Dear Sisters in Christ,

There is much more to life than meets the eye – a saying we all hear, but don’t comprehend until we have the opportunity to look back. There is no better way to describe my first eye-opening encounter with Our Lord’s Divine plan for me.

My husband and I married a few months after I graduated college. After working two years as a full-time Paralegal, I began to hit a crossroad. Something inside of me was searching, as I no longer felt an overwhelming passion for my career. I was feeling burnt out. So, I began praying and searching for a new paralegal position. I loved law, everything about the Constitution and the legal process was fascinating to me, so I figured my exhaustion and restlessness must mean I needed to work in a different legal area.

Little did I know, God had a much more defined plan for me. Only a week after beginning the job search, we found out that we were expecting our first baby. It was a surreal moment for me. God always answers prayers, but in His own way and in His own time. When I prayed for a career change, I didn’t expect it to be out of the legal field and into the role as a stay-at-home mom, but God had other plans.

Now, I spend my days at home raising our four beautiful children and truly appreciate my vocation as a wife and mother. Yes, some days are difficult, while others bring a love I can find in no other profession. No vocation or career on this earth will bring true happiness, in fact, most days will bring frustrations, but those are small sacrificial gifts for God. There is beauty in finding joy even in the monotonous duties, something I have learned to value as a wife and mom. God has placed me in a vocation that perfects my path towards sainthood.

Sisters in Christ, God has a plan for you. He has a plan for each one of us. What a blessing that all our souls are intertwined in the Communion of Saints. It might take a while for you to find the right path, but in His time, you will find the Way of Divine Providence. So, be patient. Even though you may feel lost and helpless, you are not forgotten by God. He has a special mission on this earth as you travel the road towards sainthood. “As to the past, let us entrust it to God’s mercy, the future to Divine Providence.  Our task is to live holy the present moment.” - St. Gianna Molla

Blessings through the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary!


Get to know Danielle

Danielle Heckenkamp is a 33-year-old stay-at-home-mom, writer and author from Wisconsin

Danielle Heckencamp Portrait