Abby in Florida

Full name: Abby Watts         

Age: 38

Occupation: Radio Announcer, Speaker, Writer

Location: suburbs of Tampa

Educational background: University of Florida, degree in Television

How does your Catholic faith affect the way you live your day-to-day life?

I love being Catholic and I’m blessed to do it publicly on the radio. I get to make the sign of the cross and pray on the radio! How incredible is that in today’s world?My job challenges me to think about how every day topics can be seen through the lense of our faith.  

Tell us about a moment in your life when your Catholic faith transformed your understanding of yourself, your purpose and others.

I went through a divorce back in 2014 (remarried in December of ‘17!). I had two small children and moved in with my parents. What a humbling experience! For a whole year I slept in my high-school bedroom! That time was incredibly difficult but also the most blessed in my life. God was present in such vivid ways, from renewing my love for my parents, to helping me feel like His love was enough for me, to blessing me with a sweet little house of my own.

What lesson did you learn from that moment?

I learned that thanks to God and my family, love will always be part of my life. My home and my days will never be loveless!

How do you grow in your Catholic faith?

Music - I love the way music can be this perfect, personal vessel for God to speak to us.

The ultimate way God has revealed Himself to me has been my children. When I get to teach them something about our faith I’m reminded how special it is. Other times being a mom and just living every day life  is incredibly eye opening. Days are filled with sweet love notes and lessons from our Father.

What do you do for fun?

My husband and I love going to architectural salvage stores. I find myself looking at a piece of wood and saying, “Isn’t this beautiful!” And we are Floridians, so we totally dig a day at Disney with the kiddos!

Three words that describe you — go!

Spreadsheet loving extrovert!

Fill in the blank:

My morning routine consists of: Apply eye-liner, chug coffee and talk on the radio for 4 hours

I’m currently obsessed with: The book Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist

I feel most inspired when: I’m brainstorming work or home ideas with my husband (we work together too!)

My favorite part about my life right now is: Being a second-time-around newlywed. What a shift in perspective!

The advice I would give to the millennial Catholic woman is: Don’t rush. God will put the right person/job/ministry in your life in His perfect time. Be present in the journey and remember that there are lessons and LIFE happening right where you are.

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