Life After College as a Hall Director

Interview with Katie Bell

Part Five from our “Thy Will Be Done: Life After College” Series

Setting sun reflecting as seen in the reflection of a lake.

Photo by Chelsey Shortman

Interview with Katie

Photo of Katie

Katie Bell graduated from the University of Saint Francis in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. A military brat by birth, she has lived in Florida, Texas, and Germany before finally settling in Indiana. Now, Katie is a Hall Director at Purdue University Fort Wayne Housing, where she leads a team of Resident Assistants in creating educational experiences for the residential community. In her free time, Katie enjoys concerts, traveling, and board games.

Tell us about yourself and what you do!

My name is Katie Bell and I am a Hall Director and Dean of Students Conduct Officer at Purdue Fort Wayne. I graduated from the University of Saint Francis in 2015 with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication with a concentration in Film and Media Production. I was also a student leader in my undergrad through the Resident Assistant and Peer Minister positions on campus. Now, I help students and leaders navigate the college experience through residential education. 

How did you “prepare” for life after graduation? What was your transition into post-graduate life like?

In retrospect, I definitely didn’t prepare as much as I should have! Being overcommitted my senior year with my internship, on campus job, clubs, and final projects can make it difficult to focus on your next step. I graduated with a sense of relief, a sadness of leaving the institution that had become my home, and an exciting yet overwhelming feeling of “what now?”

I had an idea of what I wanted my career to look like, and yet through months of interviewing post-graduation, nothing was happening. I had developed these skills to offer for the sake of ministry - why were none of these Catholic institutions hiring me? It was a lesson in trust, for sure. 

How did this transition affect your relationship with God?

I had only considered working for a Catholic institution and had mainly applied to positions that could be considered a form of ministry. After months of interviews and no offers, I was definitely frustrated. I had to learn to let go of what I thought He wanted from me, and consider that the ultimate plan I had for my gifts might not be what was desired of me. I applied for a position in higher education at a friend’s recommendation, and shortly thereafter, a job offer was extended. Through this position I’ve been able to foster gifts I didn’t even realize I had and use them for the betterment of others. 

How have things turned out differently than anticipated in your career? How are you finding contentment with your life?

I took a position in higher education with the intent to stay for a year, tops. Now, almost four years later and time has really snuck up on me! While all careers come with their own challenges, I’ve found that the skills I’ve gained here far outweigh the struggles. I’ve enjoyed the ability to work one-on-one with my team members, be a mentor, and help others set and reach their short and long term goals. 

How has finding a community and a new sense of home in the Church been like?

The transition from being a student and peer minister on a college campus into the “real world” can absolutely impact your faith life. It can be hard to maintain the same fire when you’re not always in the environment of like-minded people with shared goals. Surround yourself with people who will uplift you through your struggles but be honest with you through your shortcomings. 

How are you intentionally living out your faith and seeking out new friendships?

Getting involved is a big help. There are young adult groups that you can join and keep you up to date on different events or opportunities to meet new people. Keeping in touch with friends you’ve made through different church groups or schools that can keep you on the right track. It’s important to have people to share your successes and failures with!

Drawing from your own experience, what advice might you give to women who are currently in the midst of their transition from graduation to post-grad life? How might they discern the next steps the Lord might be inviting them to take?

Set specific goals for yourself and do something intentional each day to reach that goal. It’s so easy to stay in your comfort zone or only focus on your day to day life without looking at your next steps. Find a mentor - whether it’s spiritual or in your career field, the advice of someone who’s been where you are & has gotten to where you’d like to be is so valuable. If you’re struggling with a decision, take it to prayer or adoration. Reflect on what you receive there for guidance. If all else fails, I live by a pro-con list.