What These Literary Heroines Taught Me About Transition

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Dear Ladies,

I’ve found the past four years since I graduated college have been a series of changes, moves, and career climbing. I went from a fantastic built catholic college community to back home where most of my childhood friends were married with growing families and I was just beginning my career. After discerning a religious vocation and much prayer, I now believe I am called to marriage, however that has yet to happen. So even though currently: I have a job that I enjoy, I am moving to my own condo, I enjoy pursuing my hobbies such as singing, reading, the theatre, I am an auntie, sister and daughter, I have found a great Catholic community to connect with, and I have time to spend with Christ; yet, it’s a challenging time in life. I am not quite in my vocation yet. It’s a season of transition. So I would like to remind any woman who finds herself in any kind of transition, that it can be a time of transformation.

During this time of transition the classic literature that my Mom so wisely gave me to read as a child, has been resurfacing in my mind. L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables for instance. The ever hopeful dreamer, who believes that the road ahead is not narrow but full of unexpected bends ahead. Even in the “depths of despair” Anne is quick to pick herself up and learn from her mistakes. She is transformed into a woman of greater patience and deeper love due to the periods of transition in her life. She reminds me not to be afraid of the future but, ever hopeful and trust in God.

Another character that comes to mind is Helen Hunt Jackson’s Ramona. She leaves the life of luxury she grew up in to marry the man she loves, and lives in poverty. Her life is a constant series of transitions, racial discrimination, and tragedies.

However, she transforms into a woman of great peace and joy that can only be achieved by courageously embracing every present moment as an opportunity to be transformed by love. She reminds me that no matter what may be going on in my life, I need to not just live in the present, but, fully embrace it as a opportunity to love.

Finally Jane Austen’s Anne Elliot is one of the most selfless, kind, patient and hopeful heroines I have read. For seven years she is in a time of transition trying to rediscover her path after being persuaded to reject the love of her life. Yet, Anne embraces the uncertainty of her life. She never falls prey to living in the past, or feels that she has ruined her life by missing her chance at love. This is something I love about Anne, she is not afraid that she missed a step in life, she takes life as it is, she acknowledges her mistakes but never plays the victim. Anne allows her years of transition to transform. She grows deeper in compassion by her own sorrow, she gains insight and wisdom from her mistakes, and she becomes confident in her judgement of character. Anne reminds me that I don’t need to wait for things to be settled in order to do good work and to love people.

So dear ladies if you feel like you are in transition remember, this is the moment in your story that can be your transformation. Transition is a time where we can be heroines by being transformed by Christ’s grace. I have learned that in the seemingly insignificant hidden trials and tribulations of transitions; Christ is transforming me to be the kind of woman who can share in His Heart, in order to spread His Love to mankind. So no matter where you are in life if you are striving to know, love, and serve God, you are exactly where God wants you to be. You are not just in transition, you are being transformed.

God Bless! Alexa

Get to know Alexa Bulman

My name is Alexa I’m 27 and I work as a Administrative Assistant in a University. I’m single and still can’t believe I am 27 like what the what? Sometimes I still think I’m 18 then, I hang out with 18 year olds and I’m like “oh no, never mind I’m old.” I enjoy my job and after growing up in the country I am enjoying all the benefits of city life such as going to plays, concerts, opera, cafes and classy restaurants. But, the noise and all the people is a little overwhelming to my introvert ways.

Alexa Bulman Letter to Women The Catholic Woman