Make a Masterpiece of Your Life

A Letter from Mary Williams

Make a Masterpiece of Your Life Mary Williams

(Click on the letters to enlarge)

Dear Friends,

Every single day we are gifted with beginnings… fresh eyes to seek God, new opportunities to fulfill our vocations, and plentiful chances to be Love to those around us. And yet, how many of us are afraid of just starting right where we are? Beginning something, whether it is climbing out bed in the morning or making a big lifestyle change, can make us feel vulnerable, uncomfortable, and fearful. A transformation of the heart is never easy but sometimes just what God asks of us.

It felt as if it had been too long. I hadn't picked up a paintbrush since I was a child. It felt awkward, uncomfortable, scary. What could I possibly create? Why should I bother? Who even wants to see what I make? 

And yet, I felt God calling me to my palette. "Fear not." 

This past spring, I began painting. I painted every single day for 100 days as part of a personal creative challenge. None of my creations were masterpieces, but rather they represented the feeble attempts of a beginner seeking her own way by following Love. 

The art I made was a new beginning in my life... a new opportunity to know God, a new chance at living the creative life I had always desired, a new way in my heart to minister to and love the world. I discovered that my creativity is a tremendously beautiful place of prayer for me. I began to realize that perhaps God could use me in ways I had never before imagined. 

"The art I made was a new beginning in my life... a new opportunity to know God, a new chance at living the creative life I had always desired."

I would never have arrived at this place of deep joy had I not been open to God's new beginning for my life.

We can never forget that our God is a God of new beginnings. His mercies are new every morning. His grace is always with us. His love is everlasting.

"See, I am doing something new! Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? In wilderness, I make a way, into the wasteland, rivers." Isaiah 43:19

God is always forming us, shaping us, molding into the women he needs us to be in the world. It is never too late hear and to listen to that small still voice of God inside of us. Who we are never is never finalized during our earthly life. Each day we arise with the choice to Love God more and better by being His hands, His feet, His eyes, His body in this world. We are each so very beautiful and so very necessary. We are imperative to the Kingdom.

Pope John Paul II wrote in his Letter to Artists, "...all…women are entrusted with the task of crafting their own life: in a certain sense, they are to make of it a work of art, a masterpiece."

No matter what your new beginning looks like...a new relationship, a new job, a new place to call have the choice to make it your own in Him, through Him, and with Him. You are to make your life a work of art, a masterpiece. Let the dawn of your new day shine for all of us to see!

I'm praying for you! 


Get to know Mary

Tell us a little bit about yourself!

My name is Mary Williams and I’m a 35 year old stay-at-home mama to my two little ones (4 and 2 years old), wife to a high school physics teacher, and creative being through and through.