A Wife’s Path to Purity of Heart

Interview with Angelique Garza

From our Cultivating Purity of Heart Series

A woman sits in a chair reading from a book.

Photo by Priscilla-Du-Preez

I believe that in order to be pure of heart, we must live a life of authenticity...Being authentic means being willing to dig to the root of our struggles and shortcomings, and address each one with a brave face, God’s grace, and an unfailing love that encourages us to persevere and overcome our struggles rather than being defeated by them.

Photo of Angelique

About the Writer: Angelique Garza is a 24 year old woman who has a passion for coffee and spreading laughter. She is recently married and uses her vocation to help others encounter Christ daily. Angelique works for a non-profit in which she can put Christ’s love into action and put forth change into our world. She enjoys time with family, traveling with her husband, and trying new places to eat.

The Interview:

In Matthew 5, we’re told that “blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God.” So, to be pure of heart must mean to be like God, and thus our most authentic selves — totally free of that which prevents us from completely embracing God and permeating His life into our own. What does cultivating a pure heart in your life look like? 

I believe that in order to be pure of heart, we must live a life of authenticity. I strive to be the most authentic version of myself by putting aside the (too often given into) influence of our society’s culture — and I’m not just talking about the twitter posts that tell us who we are and what we need to believe! Being authentic means being willing to dig to the root of our struggles and shortcomings, and address each one with a brave face, God’s grace, and an unfailing love that encourages us to persevere and overcome our struggles rather than being defeated by them. The search for authenticity is a bittersweet process, because while having to endure a little pain, we grow capable of understanding the truth of our hearts and the uniqueness of our person. I incorporate this into my life by striving to be Angelique 100% of the time, no matter who I am with or what setting I am in. Whether I am at work, church or hanging out with friends (of all backgrounds) I am me and I create a safe space for others to feel encountered by being themselves too. I wouldn’t be able to do this without first taking the time to heal and enter into what I now understand to be the beautiful mess I occasionally come across in life.

You said you strive to be Angelique 100% of the time. Practically, what does this look like for you?

I tell the truth always, I make my relationships a priority, and I let everything I do stream from my prayer life.

What saint or person in your life helps you grow in your understanding of what it means to be pure of heart? How do they encourage you to pursue this yourself?

Although there are many saints I could name and reference, the person that truly helps me grow in understanding what obtaining a purity of heart is the most is the saint in the making that is my husband, EJ. Through his testimony, I have learned how to be raw and real as a woman of faith by unapologetically sharing my faith, life, and values with others. EJ is not afraid to do what is right, even if the whole world is screaming it’s wrong. By doing this, he encourages me to pursue the same goodness and Truth the saints did by simply radiating Christ’s love in that he seeks to emulate Christ’s life first. By his compassion, patience, and constant reassurance, EJ challenges me to rise to the occasion of always seeking to grow into a better version of myself, and thus seeking purity of heart by simultaneously growing in understanding of it through my investment in God and others.

What prompted this journey and how has it been since you consciously began it? What has been most difficult about it?

Like many, I am no stranger to past baggage and constant failings. It was in acknowledging these that prompted my journey. I woke up one day and realized that I did not have to continue living a life of lies and self-hate inspired by my own wounds. I could heal. The journey towards this has been both the most rewarding and heart-wrenching process. Yet, you can’t receive purity without a little purgation. It’s like the healing of a cut. Sometimes, it has to get worse before it can get better. You’ll start with an open wound, but then you develop a scab (ugly as it may be, at least what once was is now healing), and then you’re left with a scar or simply the memory of it. And although there may be a scar, the cut no longer hurts the way it once did. Yet, the most difficult part of my journey has been the healing period. At times, it was hard to be patient with God’s time table, which inevitably lead me to being frustrated with myself! I found it aggravating that I couldn't yet grow in the ways I longed to, but eventually I realized that I was much further in my journey than I thought, because it was in the longing that my heart was transformed to be more like His.

How has this journey transformed your spiritual life and relationships with others? Why do you think purity of heart is important for other women to intentionally seek themselves?

This journey strengthened my spiritual life. It allowed me to totally rely on Christ and learn to trust others in the process. It led me to my husband and being able to more fully receive his love. It led me to many fruitful relationships, some new and some newly blossoming. I don’t think I would be the friend, wife, daughter, and one day mother I am without experiencing the healing I have. More than ever, I am living as authentically as I can.

I believe that seeking a pure heart is important for other women to intentionally seek because we need more authentic women in this world! But, this has to be something women chose for themselves. Other than God, no one knows your heart’s needs like you do (and yet, sometimes not even we know the extent of these needs). And in the process, you will be forced to weed out what prevents you from becoming the woman you were created to be by embracing the woman you ARE — flaws and all. And by embracing our true selves, we can empower other women to embark on the same journey. There is nothing more beautiful than women encouraging other women to grow and be authentic.

This interview has been modified for clarity.