Cultivating Purity of Heart

Interview Series

Picture of a woman contemplating how to be pure in heart as Matthew 5 says.

Photo by Priscilla-Du-Preez

In Matthew 5, we are told that “blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God.” Since it is the final end of every human person to see and know God totally, we can infer that purity of heart is a universal call. From the Blessed Mother to St. Joseph to St. Maria Goretti, obtaining a pure and clean heart looks different for and is unique to each person, each woman. Yet, it is the means by which every person grows capable of entering into and living out their Vocation most fully, truly, authentically, and more receptive of God’s love found in it. The great eschaton is an already not yet situation that begins in the present moment and leads into eternity. Meaning, what we do now, in this life, carries us into how we “live” in the next! We don’t have to wait for heaven to be completely transformed by God’s love. Rather, His love is something He invites us to begin living in and out today. Thus, interviewees will answer a set of questions that answer how they do just that by giving insight to the interior spiritual life of obtaining a pure heart. Whether this be by being the best mom they can be, an encouraging friend, completely authentic in who they are, or simply learning how to live in the present moment! These women seek God more fully by transforming their hearts into His own. 

As we are invited to look into the interior lives of these four women, may we gain the courage to peer into our own. Purity of heart, although primarily seeks transformation of the heart, offers an invitation to greater communion with others through the recognition of every person’s inherent belovedness, including our own. In acknowledging this, may we see God more profoundly in others, more profoundly in ourselves, and love Him more fully for it!

Series compiled and edited by Ashley Hinojosa

A Mother’s Path to Purity of Heart

Interview with Vanessa Simoneaux

Obtaining a pure heart is not as easy as praying away our vices. It requires action and good intention. Even the mundane everyday tasks I face as a wife and mother challenge me to grow by forcing me to choose between what’s bad and easy and what’s good and more demanding.
— Vanessa

About Vanessa

Vanessa Simoneaux is a stay at home mom of three kiddos plus one more in the womb. She is happily married to her best friend and currently resides in South Central Texas. She loves cooking, spending time outdoors with her family, and deeply discussing This Is Us theories, parental attachments, and how much everyone needs Jesus.

A Student’s Path to Purity of Heart

Interview with Laurie Medina

Being pure of heart means welcoming God’s desires and will for our lives, and it takes a strong woman of virtue to cultivate a spirit of receptivity within her so that she can be united with Him in all things.
— Laurie

About Laurie

Laurie Medina is a graduate of Texas A&M University and a first-year participant in the Echo Graduate Service program. She loves spending time outside, getting creative, having heart conversations over coffee, and finding beauty in the holy ordinary. You can also find her on Instagram @wrappedinhermantle or read her latest contributions for Life Teen on their website and by searching for Laurie.

A Wife’s Path to Purity of Heart

Interview with Angelique Garza

I believe that in order to be pure of heart, we must live a life of authenticity...Being authentic means being willing to dig to the root of our struggles and shortcomings, and address each one with a brave face, God’s grace, and an unfailing love that encourages us to persevere and overcome our struggles rather than being defeated by them.
— Angelique

About Angelique:

Angelique Garza is a 24 year old woman who has a passion for coffee and spreading laughter. She is recently married and uses her vocation to help others encounter Christ daily. Angelique works for a non-profit in which she can put Christ’s love into action and put forth change into our world. She enjoys time with family, traveling with her husband, and trying new places to eat.

A Missionary’s Path to Purity of Heart

Interview with Genesis Gutierrez

Being pure of heart means that I need to live in a way where everything I do streams from my heart of hearts so that I can encounter God, others, and myself more authentically.
— Genesis

About Genesis

Genesis Gutierrez is a passionate Puerto Rican who leads life with her empathetic heart and authenticity in who she is. She loves chihuahuas, dancing, makeup, and affirming the gift of women in this world and the important role they play. Currently, she is a second year Culture Project missionary who finds joy in helping others encounter the truth about themselves by sharing Theology of the Body with all those she encounters.